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Elena Danaan's bibliography

Click on the links below to go directly to these sections of the bibliography

1. From Elena Danaan's Website


2. From Elena Danaan's official YouTube channel, her channel in French and other sources

3. A sample of the numerous individuals that have supported Elena Danaan’s work and her information through their YouTube channels, interviews, book reviews, websites, articles, conferences or products


4. A sample of the numerous reported attacks on Elena Danaan and disinformation about her material




About (Biography of Elena Danaan)

Debunk (Debunking psyops and disinformation)

Articles on crucial issues about galactic information and disclosure (In process of being indexed)

Elena Danaan's interstellar contacts description and transcripts


Akvaaru (In process of being indexed)

Annax (In process of being indexed)


Angun (In process of being indexed)


Ardaana (In process of being indexed)

Arkelios (In process of being indexed)


Coron (In process of being indexed)


Ea (In process of being indexed)


Inanna (In process of being indexed)


Intergalactic Confederation Personnel (In process of being indexed)

Jen Han Eredyon (In process of being indexed)


Jilian Ahura (In process of being indexed)

Myrah (In process of being indexed)


Oona (In process of being indexed)

Shaya Eredyon (In process of being indexed)


Tayel (In process of being indexed)

The Builders (In process of being indexed)


The Nine (In process of being indexed)

Thor Han Eredyon (In process of being indexed)


Val Nek (In process of being indexed)

Val Thor (In process of being indexed)

Webinars about galactic information and disclosure (In process of being indexed)

International conferences on galactic disclosure (In process of being indexed)


2022 (October 21-23) - Galactic Spiritual Informers Conference (GSIC) 1: Orlando (Florida, USA).  Organized by Dani Henderson


2023 (July 21-22) - Rencontres Galactiques 1: Tour (Indre-et-Loire, France). Organized by Chris Essonne & Agnès Leray


2023 (October 20-22) - Galactic Spiritual Informers Conference (GSIC) 2: Orlando (Florida, USA).  Organized by Dani Henderson


2024 (May) - Conference by Miyoko Sano (Tokyo, Japan)


2024 (July 6-7 & 9-10) - Rencontres Galactiques 2: Upie (Drôme, France). Organized by Chris Essonne & Agnès Leray

2024 (September 27-29) - Galactic Spiritual Informers (GSIC) 3: Westminster near Denver (Colorado, USA). Organized by Dani Henderson


2024 (November 15th)  - Galactic Festival in Japan: Ginza in Tokyo (Japan). Organized by Miyoko Sano


2025 (May 10-11) - Galactic Spiritual Informers (GSIC) 4a: Eastbourne (East Sussex, England). Organized by Dani Henderson


2025 (August 2th - 6th) - Rencontres Galactiques 3: Upie (Drôme, France). Organized by Chris Essonne & Agnès Leray


2025 (June 6) - Ginza-Tokyo, Japan. Conference organized by Miyoko Sano

2025 (Dates and details to come) - Brazil


2025 (September 19-21) - Galactic Spiritual Informers (GSIC) 4b: Charlotte (North Carolina, U.S.A.) Organized by Dani Henderson

Music (Will not be indexed)

Workshops (In process of being indexed)

"Galactic Adventures" to support Elena Danaan's videographer Stef Zak (Will not be indexed)

Social media & editors (Will not be indexed)


Elena Danaan Official Telegram channel

Videos on Elena Danaan's official YouTube channel (In process of being indexed)

Videos of interviews given by Elena Danaan in English and different languages (Only English interviews will be indexed)

YouTube channels with translations/subtitles in different languages of Elena Danaan’s information (Will not be indexed)


(En français) French translations/subtitles of Elena Danaan’s videos or interviews by Corinne Huet


(日本語で) Japanese translations/subtitles of Elena Danaan’s videos or interviews by Miyoko Sano

(Em português) Portuguese translations/subtitles of Elena Danaan’s videos or interviews by Pedro Poças


(باللغة العربية) Arabic translations/subtitles of Elena Danaan’s videos or interviews by Mouna Tellissi at Terra-Hu's Cosmic Link-الرابطة الكونية للأرضيين

A sample of the numerous individuals that have supported Elena Danaan’s work and her information through their YouTube channels, interviews, book reviews, websites, articles, conferences or products (Will not be indexed)

A sample of the numerous reported attacks on Elena Danaan and disinformation about her material (Will not be indexed)




Addressing these attacks and disinformation:

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